WGI 2020 Cymbal Celebration Stream- A Night to Remember

On April 18th, 2020 the Seavine Cymbal Community came together for a night to remember. It’s certainly not how any of us predicted we would spend our WGI finals night but really nice to be in one place (virtually) nonetheless.
When WGI finals was canceled due to Covid-19 the Seavine staff planned an emergency Zoom call that night. Together we came up with a plan to try and deliver a virtual WGI finals experience through the lens of Seavine. We knew the night had to have a lot of cymbal playing, honor The Cymbal Scholarship recipients, and that rock star feeling for the cymbal players.
We got to work immediately. On our site you could digitally autograph the WGI 2020 poster. We’ve now distributed nearly 50 copies to cymbal players all over the country. We also released our new merch which has been the comfiest coping mechanism during these times. Then Izzi got to work on the technical side to make the stream come to life.
“Our initial plan was to be together for the broadcast, but with travel bans in place, a ton of new challenges arose. It’s really hard to run a stream with two people in two different places using just a laptop and a mediocre internet connection, but we did it!” ~Izzi
Even though it was only Izzi and Chelsea onscreen, a bunch of people selflessly put in work behind the scenes to make this happen, and that’s why our community is so awesome! A HUGE shoutout to our Words of Wisdom crew- Mike McIntosh, Brad Bell, Mark Thurston, Mark Love, Brian Stockard, Hijlco Lankhorst, and Parker Shepherd for submitting videos.
The success of the stream was so overwhelmingly positive! It was an amazing feeling to see everyone posting about it beforehand to hype it up. Seeing everyone interact with one another in the chat as the stream went on was so awesome. This came at a stressful time in everyone’s lives, and I’m glad we were able to create a distraction and a place where we could all come together and celebrate the activity that we love!
Another thank you goes out to all of the cymbal lines who submitted footage of their best reps to be featured. The true heroes for Seavine are the performers, teachers, supporters of the arts as whole. None of this would be possible without your amazing dedication to your craft and we love you all so much.