Download: Blueprint for Fielding A World Class DCI Cymbal Line in 2022

Download: Blueprint for Fielding A World Class DCI Cymbal Line in 2022
I’ve had this feeling for a while - an internal fire full of optimism fueled by a plan. I want everyone to know that there’s a very strategic way to implement a new cymbal line to a world class drum corps next summer. In the blueprint I listed the pros under three main categories- identity & philanthropy, finances, and a partnership with Seavine (something we’ve never offered before). This blueprint would not only offset the costs of a cymbal line but bring in a new avenue of revenue for a corps.

I’m serious about getting more cymbal lines on the field next summer. There’s no benefit in keeping this information for myself. In fact, if you feel qualified, passionate, and available enough, I encourage you to use as much or as little of this blueprint as you’d like to try and reinstate a cymbal line. If you are looking for someone teach it, facilitate it, or cheer for it - we might know the perfect person. If you “know someone” and think this could be your in - go for it!

Feel free to send an email to for more information or to keep this discussion going. The time to be inclusive is now. The time to make a smart business decision is now. The time to have the drum corps community celebrate you is now.

Click to read and enjoy:

Blueprint For Marching Cymbal Line by Chelsea Levine